About NPC

Join us for Worship – Sundays at 10:00 am



Starting Sunday June 2nd, church will start at 10:00am. From 9:20-9:40am we will have prayer time in the Green Room.

Welcome to Northminster Presbyterian Church! We are a Christian church sharing the extravagant love of God in Bakersfield and beyond.

New Sermon Series

Refresh: New Power & A New Start in the Book of Acts

Sometimes we can feel dull, tired, and like life is just about getting through the day. We need to be refreshed! This summer we will look at the book of Acts and how the Spirit of God helped a small group of Christ followers to become a church sharing Jesus’ love all over the world. They encountered suffering, trials, and opposition but they didnt give up. God’s Spirit refreshed them. And God’s Spirit will refresh us; giving new energy, and life. God wants to do more than we could ask or even imagine. Come be Refreshed! Starting May 26th – September 1st.

Pick up your Study Guide and devotional in the lobby, today!